Lorna Wells

May 31, 20234 min

Entry 022: Calling Over Comfort

We are moving. We are leaving the place we have raised our children thus far, the city where I was born and raised, Houston, TX. I've lived here for 37 years. We got married here, we've done ministry here, and we've grown our family here. However, it was simple to say "yes" to Jesus when He called us to Georgetown, TX to plant a church. I didn't say it was easy, I said it was simple. It was plain and obvious to us that this is what God was calling us to do.

As I write this, I'm sitting on the couch in our beautiful home that God blessed us with almost 2 years ago. It's our dream home. We had no idea we would be leaving it, especially so soon. We haven't packed one thing and we are moving in roughly 3 weeks. Oh, we also don't have a home to move to yet. Oh yeah, and our house has been on the market for 3 months and hasn't sold. We decided we are moving regardless, because we have to get to Georgetown to prepare for our launch in January 2024. Anybody else have sweaty palms and extreme anxiety over hearing that? It might just be me. Haha!

There are so many unknowns and giant leaps of faith in this season we are stepping into, but I have so much peace because I know in whom I've placed my trust.

I recently was reading Luke 5:1-11, a story you might already know, where Jesus is teaching by the Sea of Galilee where Peter and other fisherman are cleaning their nets. Jesus asked to get into Simon Peter's boat so that he could teach the people from there. After he finished teaching he told them to go out a little deeper and cast their nets down. Peter informed him that they had fished all night and didn't catch anything, but because Jesus said so he decided to do it anyway. When they did, they caught such a large number of fish that the nets began to break and they had to call another boat over to help haul the fish back to shore. They were blown away by the miracle that had just taken place. You could say their business was booming. This was the biggest catch they had ever received. This kind of success would have been a major financial blessing for these men and their families. Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will fish for people." So, they pulled up on shore, left everything and followed Jesus.

If you are like me, I'm thinking, "what?!" These guys just struck gold in their business and they are leaving it all to follow Jesus? It seems like having success like this would be confirmation that they should stick with it and keep doing what they were doing. God was doing 2 things with this miracle of success: 1. He wanted to show them where their provision really comes from and 2. He wanted to see if they could leave temporary, monetary gain to follow Him no matter the cost. Whew. Let that soak in for a minute. Read it again if you need to.

People have asked us why we would leave an amazing home, an easy life and ministry situation, and a life of comfort to risk it all to plant a church in a city we've never lived in. The only answer we have is, "we were called to it." Plain and simple. I feel like I know what Peter and his friends were feeling in that moment of decision. They looked at what was comfortable, familiar, and now successful and they looked at Jesus, calling them into the uncomfortable and the unknown and it wasn't even a question. They had just seen what God could do and they weren't about to miss out on what He wanted to do in their future.

I was wondering why Jesus said "Don't be afraid." Were they afraid about catching all the fish? They might have been afraid because the boats were almost sinking as they brought the fish in, but I don't think that's why he said it. I think he said it because of what He was about to call them to. He knew that even though they would want to follow him, they would probably still be afraid, hesitant or overwhelmed by the idea. Jesus was prepared for that and He is prepared for your misgivings as well. He's calling you to step out of comfort and into His calling and he is saying, "Don't be afraid, I got you." Like Peter and us, sometimes calling is leaving where you are, moving, stepping out, but sometimes it's staying where you are, toughing out the situation you are in and trusting that God has a plan because He called you to it.

There may be no logic in stepping into your calling. It may not make sense on paper. The numbers may not add up, but when you are called to it, that step of faith puts you in alignment with the blessings of God for the Kingdom. Your purpose is about to get a promotion.

Peter could have ended up being the CEO of Galilee Fishing Co., but instead he preached a powerful sermon on the day of Pentecost that put a period on the gospel message and began the New Testament church. His purpose got a promotion.

Step out in faith and see what God will do. I'm not going to say "You got this", but I will say "He's got YOU".

Lean in to Life. It’s messy, but beautiful.

Much love,

